Health & Safety

Blackie Site Works is committed to a robust health and safety program that protects its staff, the staff and property of our customers, and the public from any incidents.  Workers on every level, including management, are responsible and accountable for the company’s overall health and safety initiatives.  Complete and active participation by everyone, every day, and in every job is necessary for the health and safety excellence that we expect.

The management team at Blackie Site Works encourages all workers to participate in the program and provides proper equipment and training.  Workers are responsible for following all procedures, to work safely, and to continually improve our health and safety measures.

Blackie Site Works recognizes the right of workers to work in a safe and healthy work environment.  An injury and incident-free workplace is our goal.  Through continuous health and safety efforts, we are able to accomplish our goals everyday.

Office Administration & Accounting
Phone: 403.652.4222

Project Management & Estimating
Phone: 403.336.1243

Field Operations
Phone: 403.899.1068

Safety Management
Phone: 403.652.9753

Mailing Address:

Blackie Site Works Ltd.
P.O. Box 6027
High River, Alberta T1V 1P7
Phone: 403.652.4222
